Children Experiencing Paranormal Activities

The information provided in this section is offered with the intention to be used as a guide for parents.


While this information is not meant to be all-inclusive, we hope it will help answer some of your questions about a child in your life who appears to be experiencing paranormal activities.


Paranormal Experiences of Children

You would be amazed to hear of how many people come to us as adults and describe paranormal experiences they had as children, but never talked about.

The reasons they never talked about their experiences range far and wide; nevertheless, if they did not talk about them, they also did not know how to process or understand them, let alone know what do to about them.

Depending on your beliefs and perceptions, as the parent, you may have picked up on these experiences or shrugged them off as the child’s imagination.

Most of these experiences were or are very pleasant, beautiful in fact; but some were or are scary and can cause much distress in the life of the child as well as their parents.

Some of the people we work with describe trying to talk to their parents to explain what they were experiencing, but their parents did not understand or know how to help them. They had no frame of reference or resources to turn to for help and guidance.

But there are resources available to you now.



What is Paranormal Activity?

The term “paranormal” has recently come to mean those activities associated with psychic or mediumistic (spirit) activity.

If you are the parent of a child who is able to see, feel, or hear spirit activity, it can often be very distressing, especially if you are not able to sense this yourself.

But believe it or not, we all have this ability to communicate with those in the world of spirit, just to a greater or lesser degree.

However, many of us have chosen, for various reasons, to bury this ability, perhaps because we do not trust or believe it; or, because we do not have the time to truly learn how to develop and control it.

So, in a way, it can be said that a child who is communicating with spirit is really only doing what is natural for all of us.



Who & Why Would They Be Communicating With My Child?

One of the most common examples of paranormal activity is when a child is able to see, hear or otherwise communicate with someone who has passed out of the physical body or “died.”

Commonly, this is a relative or someone the child is familiar with. For example: the child may tell you that they saw or spoke with Grandpa after he was “dead.” Understandably, this can be upsetting to the family.

Let me assure you that this is most likely not the child’s imagination; our personalities and identities do continue after the change called death. The child may well have seen and heard Grandpa, who was trying to communicate this message through the most open and receptive family member – the child.

At other times, children who are particularly open and receptive to spirit communication (the spirits vibrations) may also see and hear from others who have passed out of the physical world.

It can be frightening to see or hear from people who may be strangers to them. Often times these other spirits will come close, after the child has made an initial contact with someone they know.

You may find it helpful to think of it like this: once your child is able to successfully communicate with one person in the spirit world, it is as if they have turned on their porch light announcing that they are home and welcoming visitors!

These other visitors frequently come when the child is asleep or just drifting off – the time when their mind is most relaxed and open.

This can often cause some confusion and may frighten the child, but this is when the child is most receptive.

However, it is important to remember that no matter what the age of the child, if these spirits are bothersome to them or frightening, the child can be taught to tell them firmly to “Go Away!”

You, as a parent, also have this right if you feel anything negative is happening with this spirit contact, or if it is interrupting your child’s sleep.



How Does This Communication Take Place?

Paranormal activity can take several different forms. The most common form is through what is known as mental mediumship. Mental mediumship is simply mind-to-mind communication with those in the spirit world – those we sometimes call “the dead.”

This communication takes place through a number of different forms of mental mediumship, often referred to as “the clairs.”

  • Clairvoyance means clear seeing and is a supernatural power of seeing objects or actions removed in space or time from natural viewing.
  • Clairaudience means clear hearing and is the power to hear sound said to exit outside of ordinary experience or the capacity to hear voices of the so-called “dead.”
  • Clairsentience means clear sensing and is the ability to sense impressions or feelings from those in the spirit world.
  • Clairfragrance means clear smelling and is the ability to smell fragrances associated with those who are trying to communicate with us.
  • Clairgustance means clear tasting and is the ability to taste things associated with those who are trying to communicate with us.



How Can I Help or Reassure My Child?

It is important to keep up an open and honest dialogue with your child about what is happening to her.

Let them talk about the messages the spirit people bring to them.

It is important that they have a safe place where they can talk about what is happening and the best place for this is at home.

This is not only important in helping you to monitor the situation, but you may be amazed by the words of wisdom and comfort you may receive.

It is also helpful to explain to your child when and where it may not be as accepted to talk about their experiences because they may be teased or ridiculed.

It is important to stress to the child, that just because they are having experiences that are different, that does not make them weird or crazy. It is just that -different- the same way some people have curly hair or green eyes.



In Conclusion

While this article cannot begin to explain all types of paranormal activity, we hope that it has touched on the most common. At Spirit Source, we strive to be a resource for parents.

If there is something specific you were looking for, but did not find here, you are always welcome to Contact Us with your specific questions by completing the requested information on the General Inquiry form.

You may also wish to consider if a House Cleansing would be beneficial.

As an additional resource, you may also Contact Us for personalized and specific guidance.


Many Blessings to you!

Additional Guidance for Parents and Children…

As a parent, you may be exploring or seeking your own spiritual path, understanding your own spirituality and your own truths.

Whether you are well grounded in your own spiritual beliefs or you are in the process of trying to understand what you believe, we know that it’s important to parents to teach foundational spiritual principals to your children.

As a parent, it is highly likely that you’ve had many thoughts and questions about raising your child(ren) with a healthy spiritual foundation.

When children, teenagers, or young adults have acquired a foundation built on basic spiritual principals and spiritual laws, they possess some timeless tools which will allow them to successfully navigate through many issues and challenges they may face in life. Remember, your child too is a spiritual being, having a human experience.

Basic Spiritual Principals to Teach Children

Basic Spiritual Principles to Teach Children

The information provided in this section is offered with the intention to be used as a guide for parents. As you know, when our children are at a young age, they learn the most by watching the examples we set as parents.

If we as parents attempt to teach something to our children, but they observe us behave in such a way that is different than what we said, our actions will always speak louder than our words.

In contrast, if we as parents attempt to teach something to our children, and they in turn observe our words and actions consistent with what we taught them, we have modeled for our children what we truly believe.

One example of a spiritual principle which spans across all the world’s religions is…The Golden Rule. Simply stated, “Treat others like you would like to be treated.”

Here are some basic spiritual principles you can teach to your children, and in turn, you have given them a perspective and resources to use in life.

(If you have not already done so, as an additional resource, we encourage you to request the free informational papers offered in the right-hand margin).


A Perspective of God

An elementary and outdated view of God is to envision God sitting high up in heaven on a throne looking down on the world, passing judgment on every mistake we make. This perspective breeds a Fear of God, instead of a Love of God.

Let us not place God far away from us in a separate location. It is not like we are here and God is somewhere else. Thinking that God is separate from us or somewhere else is an illusion. You cannot be outside of all that there is.

God is consciousness and life itself.

Everything – in the physical and spiritual worlds – exists inside of the presence of God. God is everywhere (omnipresent).

God is right here, right now. We all live, move and have our being inside of the presence of God.

We are all a part of the whole…we call this whole, God. We can see God by being aware of how God manifests in our everyday life.

When we perceive the presence of God to be right here, right now, it is far easier to have a personal relationship with our all loving Divine Parent.


I am a Spiritual Being

You and your child(ren) have a spark or fragment of divinity housed within your soul.

Teach your child that they are a spiritual being.

It is this aspect of who you are which has been made in the image and likeness of God. It is your spiritual being which is housed (for the time being) in your physical body. The physical body is the outer, material covering.

While we are our children’s earthly parents, they also have Divine Parents. And because they too have Divine Parents, they too are sons and daughters of God, presently having a human experience.

When we understand, that at the core, we are spiritual beings, it is easier to view others as our spiritual brothers and sisters.

As an extension of this, it is not just us or our children, but every person who is a son or daughter of God.

This means everyone.

Each person, regardless of race, religion, color, gender or beliefs is a son or daughter of God. They too have an indwelling soul. They too have their existence as a part of the whole. We call the whole, God.


Love is our natural state of being.

Everything we do is an act of moving towards or away from love.

Love is also a transformative power. The vibration of love sheds light in and through our lives and spreads out into the world around us.

Our love for each other is perhaps the greatest example of God’s presence manifesting in our everyday life.

Continuity of Life – Life Eternal

Before we were born (incarnated), we held our consciousness and awareness in the spirit world. When we are born, the essence of who we are enters into the physical body.

When a person dies in the material world, the opposites process takes place.

When the physical body dies, the spirit separates from the body and returns to the spiritual abode. Death is not an ending. It is a change from the spirit being clothed with flesh, to shedding the bodily garment which is no longer being used by the spirit.

Life continues on after the change called death.

Heaven and Hell can more accurately be thought of as states of consciousness verse actual geographic locations.


The Power of Communication – Also Known as Prayer

Instead of reiterating here on the Power of Prayer, we would like to refer you to two sources for more information.

  • Peace: 5 Universal Tools to Obtain Peace in Your Life (offered in the right hand margin),
  • The book “Seven Victories of the Divine Child” by author and spiritual teacher Michael Jones.

Believe in Faith

Belief and faith move us beyond the boundaries of what the five physical senses report to us as what is “real.”

The reality of Spirit calls us to move beyond only what we can see, hear, smell, touch and taste.

There are plenty of everyday things that we cannot see, but believe in because we experience them.

Examples include the microwaves that cook our food in our microwave ovens; or the radio and cellular waves that carry music to our cars and voices to our mobile telephones. We cannot see the waves, but we believe in them because we experience their results.

All these things, including spirit, are a matter of vibration (see the law of vibration under spiritual and natural laws).

As the old saying goes, seeing is not believing (anyone can do that), believing is seeing.

The belief comes first…

With our awareness wide open, we can witness the manifestations of God around us each day.

The Golden Rule

We find this universal spiritual principle in all the world’s religions.

Simply stated, “Treat others like you would like to be treated.”

This concept is not a new revelation…

In fact, not many people would take issue with it.

The difficulty in life is not in the agreement with, or in the understanding of, the concept of The Golden Rule. The difficulty, at times, comes in the form of consistent application of The Golden Rule.

What we model as parents, is observable by our children. What our children observe us do, influences them one way or another.

Practice Acceptance

You may be thinking, “acceptance of what or whom?”

The answer is, acceptance of what is.

Acceptance of events and acceptance of other people.

We do not have to filter every situation though our own “mental map” and then cast judgments. When we judge other people, we make them wrong and us right.

When we judge other people, we are really saying that based on our paradigm of how we see the world, here is my opinion.

We judge other people based on outward appearances (our personal perceptions) or outward behaviors, filtered through our ego-self created standards. There appears to be a constant urge to judge and label people and events going on around us.

Where does this urge to judge and label come from?

When we “judge and label” based on our own limited perception of reality, we create (quite unknowingly) a degree of disharmony within ourselves.

In relation to the other person we are judging and labeling, we can ask ourselves, “What is this soul’s history? What is this soul’s journey? What aspect of God is this soul trying to experience?”

When we are unable to fully answer these questions, we come to realize that judging others is a pointless exercise.

Instead, practice acceptance.

Under All Circumstances, Keep an Even Mind

Once shared by Andrew Jackson Davis, the advice of “under all circumstances, keep an even mind,” is as true today as when he wrote this over 150 years ago.

Especially in the case of children age fourteen and older, learning basic steps of Self Mastery can help them immensely.

To learn the ability to consciously choose our thoughts and emotions, as opposed to simply reacting to life out of habit, can be invaluable.

For many people, adults included, the mind is restless, anxious, racing and reactive.

There is stimulus and there is a response…

This stimulus and response reaction happens in our lives countless times each day. Most people give far too little thought or conscious choice between the stimulus of a situation, and their response to the situation.

We become reactive based on past patterns and past experiences.

Learning how to insert a “pause” between the stimulus and our response, allows a person to consciously choose how they will respond and not just react to life out of past patterns and conditioning.

Learning this skill will help your children manage their emotional roller-coaster.

Admittedly, this takes some practice in the beginning. However, beginning to learn this at a young age can benefit a person for the rest of their life!

Everything Counts

It is important to be mindful of what we feed into our subconscious mind.

Everything counts.

What we allow to go into our mind, at some level, influences us.

This does not mean our children should not watch television or play computer games. However, as parents, we can be mindful (especially during critical developmental years) as to what we are choosing to allow our children to watch, learn or play.

As with most things in life, we would recommend a healthy balance. At the end of the day, you, as the parent, are responsible to help guide your children using your best judgment.

Remember, everything counts.

In Conclusion

We realize that this is just a mere summation of everything that could be written on the topic of Spiritual Principles to Teach Children. Many topics such as compassion, mercy, forgiveness, selfless service and others are modeled in our everyday life.

During a recent presentation, I heard something that I liked and has stuck with me…I would like to share it with you…

A measure of our true spirituality can be determined by our thoughts, our words and our actions 24/7. Not just by one or two hours per week on Saturday or Sunday out of the 168 hours in a week.

Take one step at a time.

It isn’t what happens to us in life, but how we respond to what happens to us that matters most.

We truly hope that the information offered here can be helpful to you and your children.

Many Blessings to you!

Beginning Spiritual and Natural Laws to Teach Children

Beginning Spiritual and Natural Laws to Teach Children

The information provided in this section is offered with the intention to be used as a guide for parents. As you know, when our children are at a young age, they learn the most by watching the examples we set as parents.

If we as parents attempt to teach something to our children, but they observe us behave in such a way which is different than what we said, our actions will always speak louder than our words.

In contrast, if we as parents attempt to teach something to our children, and they in turn observe our words and actions consistent with what we taught them, we have modeled for our children what we truly believe.

One example of a spiritual law which is universal to all of us, adults and children alike is…The Law of Cause and Effect.

Simply stated, for every cause, there is a corresponding effect; and for every effect, there is a cause.

Here are some basic spiritual and natural laws you can teach to your children, and in turn, you have given them a perspective and resources to use in life.

(If you have not already done so, as an additional resource, we encourage you to request the free informational papers offered in the right-hand margin).

Law of Love

  • Love is the highest vibration that can be obtained.
  • Love is the creative source and power of all life.
  • Love is the purifying power that lifts the heart and soul to the highest spiritual awareness.
  • Love is progressive. When we become open and learn to love at a specific level, another door opens allowing us to go deeper, then another door opens and so on.
  • Love is the new commandment the Master Jesus gave to us in the New Testament:
  • “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law? Jesus said to him, Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. And the second is like to it, Love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang the law and the prophets.” Matthew 22:36-40

Law of Vibration

  • Everything in the universe is in motion, it vibrates.
  • The rate of vibration determines a things nature.
  • Every thought and every emotion or mental state has its own corresponding rate of vibration.
  • Be mindful of what you feed your mind. We can consciously raise our own vibration by the nature of what we think, read, speak and do.
  • Meditation can calm the mind and assist in raising our vibration.

Law of Cause and Effect

  • Every cause has a corresponding effect. Every effect has a cause.
  • This is a Law of energy balancing.
  • There is no such thing as chance occurrence or coincidence. Chance is but another name for Law not recognized.
  • This is where the saying, ‘as we sow, we shall also reap’ comes from.

Law of Attraction

  • Things of like vibration attract each other. Like attracts like.
  • We will (and do) attract into our lives things which are consistent with our dominant (habitual) thoughts.
  • Be mindful of the nature of your self-talk, the internal dialogue that goes on in your mind.


Law of Thought and Manifestation

  • Thought is the beginning step in the process of creation.
  • Our thoughts are things – they are creative energy and vibration. Energy follows thought.
  • Manifesting things in our life begins with the focus and attention of our mental energy…our thoughts.

Law of Giving and Receiving

  • We open ourselves up to receive in the same measure that we give. God is in a constant state of giving. The giving comes first. This pertains to all things, love, friendship, knowledge, time, money, etc.
  • Although counter-intuitive, we receive that which we give away.
  • We do not give in order to get. When giving in order to receive attention and recognition is at the forefront of the giving, this is ego motivated giving. Give quietly and privately (see Matthew 6:1-4).

In Conclusion

How you choose to utilize and integrate these spiritual laws with your children will differ quite a bit if your child is seven years old, or seventeen years old.

Knowing these things and being exposed to them at an early age can prove to be quite valuable. As a child matures, their understanding of these (and other) spiritual laws will grow deeper and deeper.

Many Blessings to you!