With all of the outward disruption going on in our world today, I’ve made a conscious choice to place my intention and attention on peace and non-judgment.
What good will it do, you might ask.
I’ll get to that in just a moment.
I have had enough real life experiences to confirm the following truth:
The state of our outer world is a direct reflection of the state of our inner world, what’s going on un-observably on the inside.
Often times we struggle against accepting this truth.
Perhaps it’s our ego-self trying to protect or defend itself.
After all, it seems as if it’s far easier to simply point a finger at the other person, peoples or nations than it is to ask ourselves, “What can I do?” and “How can I be a part of the solution?”
… And then act on the answer.
But here’s the beautiful part.
We all possess the strength of will-power and self-control to express peace, starting in our own lives, with our own personal battles.
Each one of us can be a catalyst in cultivating the energy, the vibrations of peace in our own lives.
Then, one by one, leading up to millions of people, we can be a part of the solution which collectively causes the energy of the world to shift towards peace.
Overnight, probably not.
Over some time, most definitely.
So what part can you and I play?
Remembering that the outside world is a reflection of the inside world, we start by turning our attention to cultivating and then sustaining our own inner peace.
Sounds simple, doesn’t it?
Well if it were simple, everyone would already be doing it.
I’m not sure how you do it, but when I’m faced with something like this (something simple in concept, but harder to realize), I often say to myself…
“It seems simple, but what gets in the way?
What are the obstacles?”
In this case, what robs us of experiencing inner peace?
Here are just a few thoughts I asked myself, I invite you to do the same:
* Am I trying to live up to other’s expectations of me, through which I am not giving myself permission just to be who I am?
* Have I made up some expectations for other people’s behavior and choices, and am I measuring them against those self-imposed expectations?
* Am I keeping things bottled up inside; not speaking and acting based on my own truth?
* I am living with the erroneous mindset that “I am not good enough.”
* Am I carrying a grudge, resentment, or anger inside?
* Is there an opportunity to practice forgiveness with a person or situation?
Any one of these can act as a barrier to experiencing inner peace.
Inner resistance equals inner tension.
Inner tension equals lack of inner peace.
You see, if you’re allowing the absence of peace to persist in your life, upon evaluation you’ll find that the majority of your attention is being spent living in the past, or projecting into the future.
Wherever our attention points, our energy follows.
Peace, my friend, exists in the present moment.
It’s here, right now.
Peace is the absence of internal conflicts.
Going back to what I shared in the beginning, these are all reasons I’m choosing to place my attention on inner peace, to be a part of the solution towards collective peace…
… And I would like to invite you to consider the same.
Each one of us matters.
You can and do make a difference.
As the popular song states, “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.”
As always, I wish you the highest and best on your spiritual journey. Let me know if you need any guidance along the way.
May Peace be with you and in you, my friends!